

This term has been one of the hardest terms that I have ever had. I felt like everything that happened right now was a dream and I was I could have my normal life back. Not only because of Covid, but other personal stories that required me to make choices, which was one of the things I didn't like to do at all. I read this book and it was really interesting to me how Art is literally in our daily life. It changed my perspective about Art, not only making things and combining colors together is Art, but also perceiving things are also considered as Art to me.  The Grid and Motion chapter is the most interesting chapter that I read! On the other hand, connecting with a variety of artists on this platform is also a new thing but fascinated me. I can see how my classmates think and react to different chapters in this book. The Art that you guys created is also really beautiful! If a thing goes like my plan, this will be my last term at Lawrence. I'm so grateful to meet every indivi...


I found out that taking photos when I am moving always created a really cool effect. It's a blurry aesthetics, which to me, a subject or a photographer is trying to hide something behind the photos. Ok, I'll stop being deep haha. But ye, I still think it created that vibe for me.  On the other hand, I love taking photos when my subject/object is moving. I felt like I could get a different angle to capture that beautiful moment. It's like taking fashion photos too, model will move constantly so the photographer could capture different angle and they could pick a lot of photos afterwards.  On page 233, Lupton and Phillip said: " motion is a kind of change, and changes take place in time". When a subject is moving, it can also tell the viewers what is happening while that picture was taken. I found out that is also really cool too!  I took these picture when my family just moved to Wisconsin Rapids. My sister and I were walking around and tried to figure out the new ...


 A diagram is used to inform or to present pieces of information that could help viewers understand it visually. Let's take a look at the 2020 presidential election that we just had, these diagrams help us to catch up with the result and on the other hand, it also looks really pretty. On page 215, Lupton and Phillip stated:" a diagram is a graphic representation of a structure, situation, or process and can depict the anatomy of a creature, the hierarchy of a corporation or the flow of idea".  These diagrams help to have the information quicker rather than reading 2 pages to get it. I made 2 TikToks while the presidential election. I guess it's not my job to show my followers Biden was winning. But I was really happy to see that Biden was winning Georgia and it was such a relief! 


 We see grid Everday in our life, it's like a part of it. A grid helps us to see things in order and helps to define the structure of a picture. Personally, I love to use a grid when I'm taking photos, it helps me to frame the object more easily and to construct the composition of the subjects.  As we can see from the outside of the building. I took this picture when I was in LA with my friends 3 months ago. After I read this chapter, I realized a grid basically applied to everything. It can also be in the background. I found out that palm trees created a really cool pattern.  A grid can also can define the structure of a picture. On page 176, Lupton and Phillip said: "You can construct compositions, layouts, and patterns by dividing a space into fields and filling in or delineating it cells in different ways, building irregular and asymmetric compositions against the neutral, ready-made backdrop of a grid" 


  On page 127, Lupton and Phillips said:" Layers are simultaneous, overlapping components of an image or sequence". I felt like inserting layers is one of my styles when it comes to editing a project. In my opinion, layers could make a smoother transition from clips to clips and also could create better visual effects. I think layers could also create a lot of meanings. For example, audiences could raise questions for the artist about the decisions of adding those layers in the frame. As a creator, I would love to answer the questions about that, it fascinated me when they actually paid attention to my choices. I was playing around with the idea of the real and the unreal when I was doing this project.   "Quarantining for a long time is really exhausting. I wake up every day and hope that everything is just a dream, but it's actually happening! I guess I have to go back to sleep to see those beautiful days again!"


 "Adding text to a picture changes its meaning. Written language becomes a frame for the image, shaping the viewer's understanding of it both through the content of the words and the style and placement of the typography" I'm fascinated by pop culture art. I found it is really cute! In some art, the figure is the main subject, and the text helps the viewer can interpret and can understand the message that the artist is trying to convey. Sometimes, the text itself is the main subject of the art, where it can express the feelings of the artist: "Text can be subordinate or dominant to a picture; it can be large or small, inside or outside, opaque or transparent, legible or obscure" (Luptop & Phillips 108). Moreover, we can also see this in silent movies as well, where the word explains the scene or characters' feelings. The frame is definately emphasizing the content !

Week 2

  "Graphically, lines exist in many weights; ... as the path of the mark determine its visual presence" (Lupton, 36)   This quote stands out for me the most. I remember when I took 3D art with  professor  Meghan and we were creating our favorite shoe by wires. I didn’t really do a good job of creating the shoe. The more” lines” I added in, the messier the shoe looks, which at that point, I tried to at more “lines” to create the shape and the outline of the shoes. Luton and Phillips  said,  “the lines and edges create a rhythm”. In the end, I ended up loving it because the wires created the volume of the piece. It attracted the viewer’s eyes and  it’s visually pleasing.    Sadly,  I didn’t take any photos of my project, but I will insert some of the photos down here that look kind of  similar to  my project back then.